WN Synopses and statuses

So, I will be trying to work on a few WNs at once, trying to just let the ideas I’ve had for so long flow out to let new ideas come in, and since it may get convoluted, I am going to list here the WNs I am working on, as well as their statuses. Please note that all the stories are fiction and every resemblance in name, structure, etc. is purely coincidental, except stated otherwise.



Leonel’s Workshop (English, Ongoing): A story about an orphaned boy working on a workshop, eventually becoming a master smith in a world where magic is scarce and smithing/crafting/alchemy trinity is vital to people’s life. [Genre: Fantasy, Crafting, Adventure]

灰色夢 (Ashen-colored dreams) (日本語, English following soon, Ongoing): 告白ゲームとその被害者の苦しみや痛み病気などの物語 | A story about a victim of “kokuhaku game”/”confession game” and the pain and suffering that follows. [Genre: Romance, Psychological, Tragedy, School Life, Human Relation]

? (English, 日本語,  Planned): A story about a “war” between factions and people who can “borrow” a power(s) from “Gods” of the world as they strife to reach their goals in the modern world | 彼ら争いが彼らのゴールに達して、世界の神から力を借りることができる派閥と人々の間の戦争についての話  [Genre: Fantasy, Action]

? (English, Planned): A story of a certain extroverted writer and an introverted painter as they try to balance their relationship(s) in their traumatized life. [Genre: Psychological, Human relation, Romance]

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